Oh So Fashionably Late

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What's a #BatchDay?

While I was trying to get my blog relaunched and running smoothly, I researched a ton of different time management methods and productivity tools because time management is and has always been my biggest challenge. I work a full time job and run a creative business on the side and there's just always a million and one things on my to-do list. I came across Paper & Oats, when I signed up to receive newsletters via email from The Society for Creative Founders. Kelsey is the mastermind behind The Oat Bar Blog, which is where I discovered #BatchDay.

A #BatchDay is a monthly productivity challenge. This is not a competition. This is a challenge to focus on being productive for yourself. Choose one day out of the month to get it all done. Get what done? Everything! Anything that's been on the back burner because you just don't have the time. Time blocking is a pretty hand scheduling trick. You should try it. Blocking out time in your busy schedule is the best way (and probably the only way) to get anything done.

So there's a slight difference between the #POBatchDay and #OSFLBatchDay. Kelsey's version of this productivity challenge dedicates time to one topic. In my opinion, if I'm dedicating one day out of the entire month to catch up on work, there's way to much on my to-do list to just focus on one area. Between blogging, scheduling social media content, and updating shop inventory, how could I focus all of my energy on just one of those tasks? It doesn't really matter, as long as you meet your goal of completing your task list for the day. Do whatever works best for you, but get it done!

Everyone should add a batch day to their calendar, even if you're not a blogger, creative, or small business owner. Kelsey's got her reasons. And I've got mine. First and foremost, if you don't put it in writing and get it on the calendar, it'll never happen. You have to block out time from your schedule. Second, a batch day doesn't only have to be for work. Sometimes you just need to pick a day to take off from work, stay home, and relax. Maybe get a mani pedi with a facial, while you're at it. Remember, if you're not well rested, you really won't get anything done. And third, if you set aside time to get things done, you won't always be scrambling to catch up on work.