Oh So Fashionably Late

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The Gift of Leather

Just received my order from Curry Leather Craft today! Nothing says Happy Anniversary like a new keychain, right? Let me explain! I promise that I'm not a bad gift giver. It's just that my guy is super difficult to shop for. I'm sure that he never has a hard time shopping for me because I have a million hobbies to keep up with. Between knitting, writing, running, and picking up tennis again, he could probably come up with a few good gifts ideas for me. He's thoughtful like that, I guess.

Unfortunately, I don't think he has any hobbies, so I can't gift shop based on that. So I shop for what one might call “necessities.” You can't go wrong with something useful. And by useful, I mean something he needs and will use all of the time, not that super fancy gold pen that you thought might get him to start writing a novel or something. I mean something he'll like and use.

Next steps... I snooped around to get an idea of what bae could use. I noticed his keychain was all beat up and nasty because someone's dog chewed it up. Then, I quickly remembered a friend of mine back in DC that makes cool leather stuff… David Curry, as in Curry Leather Craft. I ordered these keychains that I found on Insta, customized them with our initials, and called it a day.

And here’s where the thoughtful part comes in… Leather is actually symbolic of power and protection, which ties into the fact that the materials itself is strong and durable, kinda like our relationship.

Another gift trend that I’m noticing these days are those cute foldable trays that can lay flat for design or fold up into a tray for utility. And sometimes they’re labeled “Phone, Wallet, Keys,” as sort of a physical reminder to leave by your front door so that you see it before you leave the house everyday. And while they’re are plenty on Amazon, I’ll probably get my next leather gift from Curry Leather Craft as well because I like to support small businesses any opportunity I get.

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