Dominek Tubbs @ Dom N' The City

Name: Dominek Tubbs

Current Location: Harlem, NY

Birth Place: Dayton, OH

9 to 5: Operations Lead @ Fintech Startup

Side Hustle: NYC Food Blogger


Dominek is known as the go-to guide for eating your way through NYC, and several other cities, among her friends. She always has a place in mind that will match any scene you're in the mood for. When she isn't indulging in the flavors of the city, Dominek works for an innovative fintech insurance startup company in an operations role. Connect with her on Twitter & Instagram, @DomNTheCity.

What makes you a boss?

I think some people define being a boss as having direct reports, but I look at being a boss as a mindset and someone that knows what they want in life has the drive to execute their goals.

Tell us about your blog. How did you start? How has it transformed? Is it what you expected? 

In 2016, I started writing for my friend's blog that covered fashion, lifestyle, and food. After a year and a half of writing for someone else, I realized I wanted more creative control and decided to create Dom N' The City. It started strictly as a food blog, and then I started introducing lifestyle topics into it. On December 12th I will be celebrating two years with my blog, and it has grown to more than I could have ever imagined.

What's your day job?

I’m an Operations Lead at a FinTech startup.

Proudest moment in your career AND personal life?

I know this might sound strange but my proudest moment is when I decided to have a better work-life balance. I am in a space where I can bust my chops in the office and still go home and enjoy my passion without feeling like one is suffering over the other.

Lowest point?

This was a difficult question for me. I like to consider myself very blessed and a hard worker and I also like to see the silver lining in every situation.

Most famous quote?

"If you can give your employer 8 hours a day, be sure to give your passion at least one hour." This kind of goes back to work-life balance and be sure you incorporate something you enjoy or are passionate about into your day.

Why should everyone have a #LadyTribe to lean on?

You need strong women in your life!

What is the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make?

It wasn't really a decision but a change that occurred in my life. In 2013, my husband and I moved to the East Coast. This was by far, one of the scariest things I had to do in my life. Leaving all my friends and family to live in a city, I knew NO ONE! In the long run it ended up being the best thing I ever did. Moving to the East Coast sparked my creative side and awakened my entrepreneurial spirit.

What's your next big move?

I’m currently working on transitioning Dom N' The City from a blog to business.. It requires a lot of work and investing in myself even more.

Rapid Response Questions

Spirit Animal? White Tiger.

Why? Because they are rare.

Favorite Color? Black.

What gets you out of bed in the morning? Knowing that I give up because I have come too far. I also have a sign next to the bed that says "You didn't wake up to be mediocre."

Do you love yourself? Of course. You gotta love yourself first because how is someone else suppose to?

Share one piece of advice that you find most important with all the ladies out there working hard to make their dreams come true.

Do your research, give it a 100%, and never give up.