At-Home Workouts: Just Booty Bands


Feel the burn with some booty bands! You’d be surprised by how much these resistance band workouts will make you sweat. These resistance bands have been such a great investment in my fitness gear collection, especially for at-home workouts during the quarantine. I’m obsessed!


All you need are these Booty Bands by Tone It Up (3-Pack Resistance Bands), which are available at Target, but also for $10 on Amazon. Each different color band varies in level of resistance and is typically labeled with the level of difficulty. I like to sculpt with the blue band and stretch with peachy!

Booty Band Workouts by Tone It Up

Here are some of the Tone It Up workouts that I found on YouTube. While I know plenty of movements I can do on my own, it’s nice to follow along with a "virtual class” and make sure your form mirrors the instructor’s demo. These resistance bands are great for toning up your legs and booty.

Full disclosure: I’m not a healthcare provider or fitness professional, so please discuss any changes in nutrition or fitness goals with your primary doctor.

More At-Home Workouts